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If God Is kind and loves us. Why don’t he Pardon us?

We all know how Jesus die on the cross for our sins. As God is loving he can forgive us all, but even then he put his son Jesus through suffering and make penance for sin.

People view simplicity as uncomplicated something very easy to do. As we think god is very simple means he is not complected. God is an unadulterated spirit and he is not made up of a bunch of parts (John 4:24). In this God’s attribute of simplicity, we find the answer to our question.

God is simple, not complex.

Let’s use an example of cooking to understand this. When we are cooking we are using a number of ingredients, vegetables, spices, and other things. All these elements are mixed concurrently to make a healthy and tasty dinner.

People similarly view God. People look at all of God’s qualities including his fondness, purity, probity, justice, clemency, fairness, and superiority, and believe that all these things are merged in the being of God.

God must be faithful to all his qualities.

As God is spirit, he is always virtuous all of his qualities in absolute embodiment and harmony. God can’t allow, articulate, his mercy to override his justice. His piousness never disagrees with his love.

God must stand true to all his particulars because to do otherwise would be to disown himself. As theologian Michael Horton so aptly states in his reader The Christian Faith, “God would not be God if he did not possess all his attributes in the simplicity and perfection of his essence” (p. 229).

Which will uphold all his attributes, God has to punish sin.

It is due to God’s simplicity that he sent his Son to die on a go for our sins. On this international, we cry out towards injustice. We’re outraged over incidences wherein humans harm others and don’t undergo the outcomes of their wrongdoing.

How a great deal greater is that this the case when God sees his righteous regulation violated? He cannot appear in an alternative manner. To uphold his attributes of holiness, righteousness, and justice, God has to decide and punish sin (Num. 14:18; Nah. 1:three).

Jesus,the God-guy, fulfilled the whole law and became the proper sacrifice for sin on our behalf.

God has become the answer to the hassle of sin. Considering there has been no way for sinful humans to preserve God’s regulation perfectly or atone for their sins, Jesus turned into born in the flesh so he could fulfill the complete regulation and be the proper sacrifice on behalf of all who placed their religion in him:

And each priest stands daily at his carrier, offering, again and again, the same sacrifices, which can by no means remove sins. But while Christ had supplied for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down on the right hand of God, waiting from that point till his enemies ought to be made a footstool for his ft. By means of a single presentation, he has perfected forever individuals who are being sanctified. (Heb. 10:eleven–14)

At Golgotha, we see the God who is both “simple and the justifier” (Matt. 27:33–35; Rom. 3:26). Horton points out that it’s far on the go wherein “we see how a ways God is inclined to move if you want to uphold all of his attributes within the simplicity of his being” (p. 266).

God is properly, holy, loving, simple, and merciful God we’ve!

It became totally becoming that this kind of loving God did no longer spare even his personal Son but instead brought him up for his sin-weighted down image bearers in order that we may be restored to fellowship with him (Rom. Eight:32; 2 Cor. Five:19). Jesus changed into now not pressured to make this sacrifice both. He told his disciples that no one ought to take his existence away, but he laid it down of his very own accord because of his unfathomable love for his sheep (John 10:18; 15:13).

Take a second and reflect on consideration the attributes of God we see on show on the move, and wonder at what an amazing, holy, loving, simple, and merciful God we’ve got! Relaxation these days in the understanding that, because our God is simple, we can consider him to uphold all his superb attributes. The best evidence of that is the finished reconciling paintings of Christ, which are counted by all who trust in him alone for salvation.

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